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Thursday, March 12, 2015

That's what it does to you

That's what it does to you, Love..
you start loving the little things of life as no little
You realize the wonder of every moment as no small wonder
That's what it does to you...

You stop for the flowers, fragrance and colours
for they speak to you
and make you smile
you stop for the birds and animals
for they open up so much for you
That's what it does to you

The sky, the clouds, the sea and the waves
the rain and the shine
all say something to you
something you never heard
or seen
That's what it does to you

It awakens you
lightens you
liberates you
it does to you all that you couldn't for yourself

it's love and you are reborn
that's what it does to you
That's what Love does to you
Do you hear me??
Love you
                           ----by Santhosh Kumar Kana


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